

So tomorrow is a big day for Shaun and I. We are finally graduating from college!! YAHOO!! Never thought this day would come.  Early this week we had my sister and her husband take some pictures of us, ones we could send out in our graduation announcements.
Here are some of my favorites..

olive is so proud of us! ;)

Olive looks so classy in her new outfit!

So thanks to Hamblin Photography, hamblinphoto.com, we have the best graduation pictures ever! 
They really did a great job!

Tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary with Hoopes Vision! I have had Lasik for exactly one year and have loved every minute of it! Thank you hun for the greatest present ever! So very grateful every day that i can wake up and go to sleep every night and have to worry about contacts!
But i do kinda miss my glasses at times. Glad i work right next to the optical department at Costco where they let me wear frames for a day!

1 comment:

Josh and Kensey said...

I LOVE those graduation pictures!!! They are awesome! Congrats on graduating!