

What a crazy summer it has been! I was planning on writing about our trip to Europe first but i gotta slowly work on it. Its gonna be hard to put one month of fun into one blog. 
This summer has been so much fun! After Europe its has been nonstop!

Our friends are kinda of hard to get all together but i managed to get them all to do the mud run this year! Which everyone thought was worth it! 
Yes our team name is the muddy muggles! HAHA gotta love Harry Potter  :)
It was  5.5ish miles full of running/jogging/walking, obstacles, mud pits, and squishy shoes. 

still found mud on me days after the race.

Our next muddy event was the mud volleyball tournament i entered our team in! MUDDY MUGGLES here we come!
It was a lot of fun but no possible way to win. One side was so much deeper then the other so if you won on that side (which we did once) it was a miracle! With our bad luck we got that side every time except for once. Anyways We ended up taking i think 4th place. Not bad for our first mud game together.

For sure doing it again next year!


CEIBA Our Very First Baby!

So last saturday we had to give away one of our family members.. Ceiba.

Ceiba is our chinchilla that we have had since we got married. Actually the first thing we did when we got back from our honeymoon in Honduras was pick up our newest addition. We named him after the city we went La Ceiba, Honduras. He is probably the cutest pet in the world! He is super soft! Loves to run and climb on walls. Can jump super high! When he's older he'll be able to jump from floor to your shoulder!
I'm so sad we had to give him away. :( But with both of us working two jobs and me going to school full time, we haven't played with him in a long time. Starting to feel guilty, he just sits there in the cage all day. Since we'll be gone for a month in Europe we decided it was time to give him away to a better family. 

We found this breeder online that offered to take him while we were gone so he could make beautiful black babies and give him back when we got home. I thought that was the best idea ever! So the breeder came up to look at Ceiba all the way from provo.. got here.. inspected him from head to toe and decided he had crooked teeth and didn't want her baby chins to have crooked teeth.. so she didn't take him. She also mentioned that he'll probably starve to death because of his crooked teeth because it'll be too painful for him to eat. :(  So the plan to get him back failed miserably, we also have the fact that one day we'll come home and he wont be alive. Shauns thinks ill die if i come home to that.. And i probably would have..
 So being as hard as it was.. we finally found him a great home that had other chins living there as well for him to play with. So now we know he is at least happy, running around with other creatures like himself. When i think about him i get so sad. I miss the little guy so much. He was so fun to watch, cuddle with, and feed raisins to.(He loves dried fruit!) We had a lot of good memories with him.
We love Ceiba so much he has his own YouTube channel of some of the funny things that he did while we had him.. check him out.. Ceiba McBride

Here we didn't realize we put the water bottle to low.. 
Haha he had to get on his back to get a drink. So Cute! Love him so much!



So tomorrow is a big day for Shaun and I. We are finally graduating from college!! YAHOO!! Never thought this day would come.  Early this week we had my sister and her husband take some pictures of us, ones we could send out in our graduation announcements.
Here are some of my favorites..

olive is so proud of us! ;)

Olive looks so classy in her new outfit!

So thanks to Hamblin Photography, hamblinphoto.com, we have the best graduation pictures ever! 
They really did a great job!

Tomorrow will be my 1 year anniversary with Hoopes Vision! I have had Lasik for exactly one year and have loved every minute of it! Thank you hun for the greatest present ever! So very grateful every day that i can wake up and go to sleep every night and have to worry about contacts!
But i do kinda miss my glasses at times. Glad i work right next to the optical department at Costco where they let me wear frames for a day!



After two years of school work, 1500 hours of clinical's, 2 weeks straight of 8am-10pm studying, i finally passed my boards exam. I am now officially a Radiologic Technologist. WoHOO!

Seriously the best feeling in the world. It was about 220 questions and 3.5 hours long. And i used every minute of it. After getting my hand print taken every room i entered, i got to the computer where i would take this awful exam. On the very first question i had absolutely no idea what the answer was. Oh Great! HAHA.
But i ended up finishing the test a little early. So i reviewed my answers.. and changed about 5 of them. Wait what am i doing, you never change your answers!! AH! I was stressing! Time was running out. My heart was pounding, palms were sweating, starting to feel a little dizzy!  Finally time ran out. The screen changed. You need a 75 to be a licensed RT. And i got a 93!!??? (fist pumped the air) What in the world!? How did that happen? Wow good thing i changed those answers! Hehe..I get my official score in the mail in a few weeks so I'll really see what i missed, Shaun said i only missed 14 questions. CraZy!

We went out to my favorite restaurant, Olive Garden, with my mamma and sister to celebrate. Then we went to Shaun's parents the next night where they made me delicious scones and sugar cookies. You sure do get treated well when you pass a test. Shaun promised me a 30 minute back massage. Can't wait to get that! :)

It really has been a great two years. Stressful, miserable, hard, want to pull my hair out and cry, awesome, funny, exciting, strange two years. I'm just sad its all over. I made so many new friends I'm going to miss everyone! It would be better if they lived even the slightest bit near me, but nope. Tear, i will miss them!

So Shaun asked me if i started looking for jobs yet. What?! You mean i have to get a job now? HaHa But Costco is so good to me! And i just barely finished.. don't i deserve a break? Yeah that didn't work..so next plan i guess is to work two jobs for awhile.. blah. Costco/Radiology until i start the ultrasound program in the fall. One more year of school then I'll officially be done. WoHoo! One more year and I'll be rollin in the big bucks!

So i guess wish me luck on a finding a job. Secretly I'm hoping for a fun/adventurous summer, but if a job comes I'll take it. We really need to start saving for Olives college education. ;)

My Great Friends from X-Ray school.
Tiffany, Kathi (our clinical instructor), Cari, Shannon, Riley, Me, Ben, and Justin. 

Cari, Tifffany, and I were called "the 3 amigos". We went off and did many exams together and had some way funny experiences.
 Yeah for friends! I will miss you all so much!


My First Post

Yes i finally decided to start a blog. I've been wondering for a few weeks how i should start it cause i really just want to start blogging and skip the intro most of you already know me. In "you" I'm actually hoping people will read this.. haha.
First off i am married to the most wonderful husband in the world, Shaun. Shaun grew up in morgan/west point and graduated from Clearfield High. He is the oldest in his family and has 7 sisters! He served a mission in San Pedro Sula, Honduras. He is fluent in Spanish, Making me laugh, Snow/Skateboarding, and being the life of the party. We met on a WSU crosswalk and a year later that's where he proposed to me. :) We then got married 7 months later in the SLC Temple on June 10, 2010.

I grew up and graduated from Layton High.  I love to play softball, started playing at T-Ball and didn't stop til 2 years ago. I am the baby of the family. I have 1 brother and 3 sisters.  I got a scholarship to WSU for softball which was the best ever!

In March of 2011 we had our first baby..  She is a miniature daschund with black and red spots. We love her so much. We named her Olive after our cute saying "Olivejuice". (If you mouth those words it looks like you say "I Love You" but you're really saying olivejuice if they ask right?)  She is our baby and will be 2 years old October 4, actually the same day as Shaun and I's very first date back in 2008. 
I love this picture. Olive is posed to perfectly. She is the best dog ever! Her favorite things include walks, treats, naps, her yoshi toy, her boyfriend HURK, chasing/doing run bys, and playing with her friends!

Whats really cool is Shaun and I are both graduating this spring together. He's getting a bachelors in Sales and Spanish and a emphasis in financial planning. He currently works at New York Life doing retirement planning, family protection and life insurance etc. He basically loves his job.
I will graduate with an AAS degree in Radiology and hopefully will going back to school this august for Sonography and graduate with my bachelors in Dec 2013.

As McBrides we love to go on adventures. Snowboard as much as we can. Make smoothies and french toast! Play pickleball. Have game nights with friends and family, especially play settlers of catan! And mostly we love to TRAVEL! Here are just some of the places we've been since we've been married!.

 Puerto Rico



Vegas and Narrows

New York City!

And hopefully a thousand more to go!